June 2 Digital Addictions Rev. Edmund Robinson
In more and more business meetings and even social gatherings, many if not most of the people have open laptops and smartphones while they are also interacting with the people in the room. What is the difference between Facebook and face time? We now have the capability at hand to communicate with friends anywhere in the world. What does that do to our ability to carry on a normal conversation, to listen and speak to one another in real time in the same space?
June 9 Proof of Age Rev. Edmund Robinson
As I turn 65 I become aware of the ways in which I seek to deny my own aging and my eventual death. American culture used to be famous for its youth-centrism and denial of death. Have things improved lately?
June 16 Honoring Fathers
The service will feature several MUUGs members talking about fatherhood.
June 23 TBA
June 30 Report from Louisville Rev. Edmund Robinson
What I learned at General Assembly that this congregation needs to know.